Saturday, 16 August 2008

Cheltenham Leisure Centre Set to Open

31 August 2008

Having been closed for over a year due to July 2007 floods, Cheltenham Leisure Centre is set to reopen on Sunday, 31 August. People will be invited to come along and try out free fitness classes and swimming sessions. The newly refurbished leisure centre includes re-designed reception area and new, top of the range equipment for the gym.

Other facilities available at the centre are: an air-conditioned fitness suite, with more than eighty stations; an air-conditioned dance studio; a comprehensive group exercise class programme; a low impact exercise studio; a spin studio; squash courts and an eight court sports hall; three swimming pools and a health spa; with easy access and free parking.

The centre will be open for normal trade from Monday, 1 September 2008.


Health & Fitness inc Memberships
Membership Contracted Monthly ........ £36.50
Membership Month to Month ........ £44.00
Membership (concessionary*) ........ £29.00
Joint Contract ........ £65.70
Joint Month to Month ........ £79.20
Annual Membership ........ £365.00
Annual Joint Membership ........ £657.00
Annual (concessionary*) ........ £290.00
Induction ........ £10.00
Introduction Fee ........ £25.00
Exercise to Music (ETM) Class ........ £5.00
Exercise to Music (ETM) Concession ........ £3.75
Gym ........ £6.00
Concession Gym ........ £4.50
Concession Gym (off peak*) ........ £2.00

Casual Swimming
Concession Swim ........ £1.90
Concession Swim (off peak*) ........ £1.00
Adult Swim ........ £3.40
Junior Swim ........ £1.90
3 Family (1 adult 2 children) ........ £3.40
4 Family (2 adults 2 children) ........ £6.80
5 Family (2 adults 3 children) ........ £6.80
Spa ........ £5.95
Spectator ........ £1.00
Swim Beginners/Flip n Fun ........ £48.50
Swim Improvers ........ £48.50
Swim Diving Course ........ £59.00
Crash Swim Beginners ........ £20.00
Crash Swim Improvers ........ £20.00

Childrens Activities
Sportzone All Day ........ £15.50
Sportzone Half Day ........ £10.50
Sportzone Week ........ £71.00
Saturday Sportzone ........ £4.50
Splash Party ........ £62.00
Sports Party per session ........ £48.00
Soft Play Party ........ £40.00


  1. Cant wait.. Got rather annoying having to travel to Tewkesbury everytime I wanted to swim ..

  2. Me neither. Will there be a 12 for the price of 10 swim ticket? Will my old card which still has a few swims left on it still work?

  3. Was great to get back on that opening day. Then was back to normal the following week with the diving pool shut-off on Sunday morning due to 'staffing problems'. Come on guys, you've had a whole year to get this stuff sorted out!!

  4. Good afternoon, do you have baby classes???

  5. how much does a pass cost?

  6. also e they do have baby clases! my email address is if you want to answer my questions please email me on that mail address.

  7. So I presume the prices havent gone up?

    Timetable isnt work either, come on CBC!
