Martin Horwood is the Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Cheltenham. If you need to discuss any matters with your local MP, you can arrange an appointment at his advice surgeries on Friday lunchtimes or evenings. Appointments can be booked by phoning the office on 01242 224889 or e-mailing
You can also meet Martin at various events taking place in and around Cheltenham.
Thursday 27 August 2009
Martin will be visiting Cheltenham Catering Supplies, a local business based in Fairview.
The Friends of Springbank will be presenting Martin with a petition and having afternoon tea with him. This event is being held at the new Springbank Community Resource Centre.
Tuesday 01 September 2009
Martin will be attending a meeting of the Battledown Park Residents Association at the Hewlett (foot of Harp Hill).
Wednesday 02 September 2009
Martin will be the guest speaker at the Cheltenham Business Lunch Club at the George Hotel, St George’s Road. He will be speaking about life as an MP.
Martin will be attending a Cirencester Eating Disorders Self Help Group meeting at St Peters Court in Cirencester. Although it is based in Cirencester this group offers support to sufferers and their families from all over the county, including Cheltenham.
Thursday 03 September 2009
Martin will be performing the official opening of Edward Jones investments, who have a new office at 201 London Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. The opening event runs from 11am until 4pm. Contact Kate on 01242 530182 for more information.
Friday 04 September 2009
Simon Hughes MP will be visiting Cheltenham for a politics and supper event at St Margaret’s Hall, Coniston Road, Cheltenham.
Saturday 05 September 2009
From 10:20am
Gloucestershire Malayalee Association will be holding Onam celebrations at Sir Thomas Rich’s School in Gloucester, and Martin will be going along to join in.
Sunday 06 September 2009
Martin will be the speaker at a ‘CafĂ© Church’ event, held at St Mark’s Methodist Church in Gloucester Road. The subject of his talk will be ‘Racial Justice’, as this date is Racial Justice Sunday.
Tuesday 08 September 2009
Martin will be visiting Cleeve School to see the new building.
Martin is guest speaker at the Cheltenham and District Speakers’ Club at Burlington House in Lypiatt Road, where he will be talking about how he prepares to speak.
Wednesday 09 September 2009
Martin will be speaking at the first meeting of 'Fibro Babes', a support group for sufferers of Fibromyalgia, in the Montpellier Room of the Municipal offices. This is Fibromyalgia Awareness week.
Martin is meeting with members of Cheltenham Connect in the Exmouth Arms on Bath Road. Cheltenham Connect have just been awarded a Community Pride grant from the Council. Cheltenham Connect is a new initiative that is all about inspiring and strengthening the local community of South Cheltenham i.e. the residential and trading community around Naunton Park, the South section of the Bath Road, Tivoli, The Park and The Suffolks.
Thursday 10 September 2009
Martin is meeting with Neighbourhood Housing Officer Mike Cooper and will be going on inspection with him, starting on the corner of Waterloo Street and Swindon Road. Every street and block of flats and their communal areas are inspected for anything untoward then action is taken where necessary to remedy them.
Martin will holding an advice surgery in Springbank Resource Centre with Councillor Suzanne Williams.
Friday 11 September 2009
Martin is unveiling plaques by Civic Society for holders of Victoria Cross born in Cheltenham. This is starting in Pittville House, Wellington Road and will move to other locations, before a final ceremony and reception from 12.30pm at Beaumont House, Shurdington Road.
Tuesday 15 September 2009
Martin is speaking and answering questions at the National Council of Women’s Cheltenham branch in Charlton Kings.
Martin is speaking to the school assembly in St John’s Primary School, Albion Street.
Friday 18 September 2009
Martin will be speaking to students in Years 7 and 8 at Dean Close Prep School.
To keep up-to-date with Martin's Horwood's appearances in parliament please visit our website.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Meet Your MP Martin Horwood This September
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Paws in the Park 2009 Video
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
BBC Audience Council Public Meeting
14 September 2009, Seasons Business Centre, Swindon Village
Do you watch TV - BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Four or use the Red Button Service? Then BBC wants to hear from you. If you would like to give BBC feedback on their programmes and services, come to the BBC Regional Audience Council public meeting, which will take place on Monday, 14 September, 6.30pm - 8.30pm at Seasons Business and Leisure Centre, Quat Goose Lane, Swindon Village. The BBC Regional Audience Council advises the BBC Trust which replaced the Board of Governors in 2007 on all national, regional and local services and on BBC policy.
If you would like to attend please call: 023 80374285 or e-mail to reserve a place. Admission is free.
For more information about this and other Cheltenham events please visit our Cheltenham events guide.